Monday, May 24, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

It’s been too long! Now that the semester is over, I thought I’d catch up on recent activities in New-Jersey-land and elsewhere.

If you haven’t already bought yourself a copy, New American Paintings, Issue #87, is on bookshelves now, featuring yours truly. LINK I hope you have a chance to check it out!

Fellow graduating classmates recently had their show Off the Map, at White Box in NYC. The show’s down now, but I was so happy for them to debut their work together in NY at the same place, same time! Way to go classmates and way to go Visual Arts Department and Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers for getting behind this important opportunity and making it happen for graduating MFAs. LINK

For the MFA open studios on April 24th, my classmates and I all participated in making a box set of 20 works on paper. Here is a sampling of my “Stumpies.”

It was a great event, and with reviews the day before, twice as good a reason to clean up the studio! Here are a few pics from that day, and the after party at the infamous and highly local, Court Tavern.

Kristyna and Lisa enjoying the lounge...

Post open studios discussions...

Dan, John and Jamian...

Lorah, Jessica, Lety and Liv!

Jessica, Lety, and something really interesting that Matt's saying.

Megan, Andy and Matt Posey.

Earlier this spring, I was also so happy to coordinate Amy’s work for a show in Project Space 227. Here are some images of her work looking great.

Yay Amy!

And here are a few images of some of my latest paintings in oil.

Landing, Oil on linen, 36" x 90"

Star Rising, Oil on linen, 70" x 40"

Emanation (Ginko), Oil on linen, 70" x 50"

Double Eclipse, Oil on paper, 12" x 45"

This past weekend my graduating classmates passed the torch of the title of “Second Years” to my class. We had a clothing swap, a delicious BBQ, music, dancing and a bonfire. What could be better? Although, we will miss you tremendously Paul, Lety, Colin, Matt Posey, Brian Campbell, Jessica, Andy, Matt Marchand,Viktor, Brian Bulfer, Dale, Misti, Avi, Allan, Melissa.

Clothing swap, photo by Gabbe Grodin

Alan at the Q, photo by Gabbe Grodin

Eileen and Paul bite, photo by Gabbe Grodin

Erik in blue, photo by Gabbe Grodin

Liv in the clothing swap, photo by Gabbe Grodin

Bonfire, photo by Gabbe Grodin

Back in California, Tyson has been having a great time at his residency at the Headlands. He’s been staying there for the whole month of May, making friends with other artists in residency over delicious meals and good times. The group show he’s in opened on May 16th, and is up until June 6th. Here are some images of the work he’s been making.

Tyson and I have been planning my visit to California in June, and will be staying in the Mission for a few days to soak up some sunshine in our “old neighborhood.” We miss you, Mission.

Yay Foreign Cinema!
Yay Mission Pie!
Yay Pizzeria Delfina!

We’ll also be in Napa and Santa Cruz to visit friends and family before heading back home, (finally reunited!) to NJ. Can’t wait!!!!!

Some really good news is that I’ve been awarded a full Teaching Assistantship for next year, and will be co-teaching the BFA Thesis Exhibition class. In addition, I’ve decided to apply for a Fulbright Scholarship to Berlin for 2011-12, and I am working hard to put together the best application I can—it’s been a great challenge, and good exercise so far—and of course I hope I get it!!!

Yours, keeping truly busy in grad school,