Monday, February 11, 2013

JAN/FEB 2013

Happy Start to 2013!

To begin with, I have some new work up on my website:

For the next few months, I'm subletting a nice studio space in Berlin-Wedding as I work toward the exhibition for my two-year project here in June 2013 at I-A-M Institut in Berlin-Neukölln.

I'll be sending out a studio update separately with details for this as well as the show "10 Years Too Late" that Tyson and I are curating at the I-A-M Abteilung in Berlin-Mitte, so stay tuned! Tyson and I were happy we could invite artists whose work speaks to the theme of this show while fitting within a small format. We're planning to organize one show a year with new themes, in a variety of spaces, and look forward to presenting the work of other artists in future.

Also, check out Tyson's blog:

Here are some recent images:

Yes, that is a sliver of sky between the two buildings. How do they do that??

 A recent painting commission I was working on

I especially liked this stage of the under painting

 I made the painting from the gridded drawing seen here

 In progress...

Drawing has been coming in handy lately in general. Good way to get a great cut!

 Our jam sessions are just getting that much more ambitious. 8 flavors, nearly 40 jars worth!!!

Tyson and Warren in the kitchen

 Joe, Warren, and Tyson with some of the spoils

Keeping track of what's what with labels

 Apple, Apple-Vanille, Apple-Rose, Quince, Clementine-Orange, Orange-Quince, Orange Earl-Grey, and Apricot

 At the HBK campus in Braunschweig

Gathering at the Devil's Kitchen in Kreuzberg

 To celebrate Anne's birthday. Happy Birthday Anne!

 One of the biggest and nicest red velvet curtains at the Sony Center theater during intermission at the movie....

The Hobbit in 3D! My eyes still ache thinking about it

Recently, we also traveled to Dresden to see our friend Joseph Lake's most recent orchestra piece performed by the Dresden philharmonic! Way to go Joe!!!

From the train going to Dresden

The following day, we traveled to Chemnitz to see the Neo Rauch & Rosa Loy exhibition put on in celebration of the museum's acquisition of a commissioned Rauch painting. Here are a few images from the show--so good and interesting to see the paintings of this power couple!

 This shows the impressive scale of Rauch's work. Loy's is on a smaller scale, mysterious & intimate

 Rosa Loy, Moonlight

Rosa Loy, The Other Side

 Rosa Loy, Order

 Neo Rauch's, The Balancing Act, commission for Chemnitz

 Neo Rauch, Towers

 Neo Rauch, Choir

Things I’ve read lately: The Urban Revolution by Henri Lefebvre, Between the Eyes by Levi-Strauss, Art as Experience by John Dewey, and Turps Banana Magazine. I am especially enjoying Dewey and Lefebvre's philosophical approaches to their subjects.
As always, the images in this post are an edited selection. To see more, visit:

Until next time,
XO Caetlynn

Friday, February 8, 2013

Catching up on 2012

Farewell 2012! You were a great year.

It's been too long, and with this post I will catch up on sharing pictures of places and adventures from 2012. Even though these are a little late, and off season, I hope you enjoy them!

I will post another shortly for 2013.

To see the complete set of images, visit Flickr:
Nov & Dec 2012

Fall decorations

 The results of another tasty Quince jam session with Joe!

 Coming home from Tyson's birthday night dinner


Right before midnight!

In the distance at Deutsche Oper U-bahn station

and closer.....

and farther....

The most elaborate meal we've prepared and invited friends over for in 2012 was inarguably Thanksgiving. The following images are a detailed account of this culinary production--it was so delicious I can't help myself!

The weather was cold enough to use our bathroom as a giant walk-in refrigerator by leaving the window open overnight....

So as to keep cool our 22 lb. Lady Bird that was specially ordered and killed 2 days prior

The 2 awesome chefs making it all happen, Tyson and Joe

Oh, the magic.

While I took care of front-of-the-house decorations and table setting.... Yes, those are giant clocks, hourglasses, and the sickles of time marching across the fabric for the tablecloth--scored from the Turkish market!

Trudy was one big Lady....

Putting my floral design skills to work....

Oh Trudy....

Cooking can be tiring....

But oh so delicious when it's ready!


15 other friends brought other sides to share--decidedly a FEAST

Very good times.

Joe's pecan pie the morning after.... it didn't survive long past this photo....

My husband has the best sense of humor.

After-effects of T-day: re-imaging the last supper one person at a time.

In November, construction started on the roof of our building, and shortly thereafter, this "Golden Throne" appeared in the trash heap.....

I think we may have a joker somewhere in the building.

Scaffolding has been erected around our building, and is still up 4 months later. Ours in the apartment with the light on.

Stephen color-coordinating without trying!

The opening for Megan Cotts' "Honeycomb" show in Wedding

Great work!

Waiting for the bus at Ernst-Reuter-Platz

Christmas Market at the Schloss! Our favorite.

Schnitzeltag at Schnitzelei for Kathryn's b-day!

Christmas at the Berlin Hauptbahnhof

Quick stop in Hannover

Lindsey Landfried in her studio at UdK in Berlin. A new friend and fellow DAAD recipient in the visual arts.

At the farmer's market in our neighborhood

The C-burg Rathaus looking especially nice walking home to a full moon

The pedestrian bridge by the Power Station near our apartment

Icy canal at the Schloss park

Our new favorite Indian food place, Yogi Haus in Berlin-Schöneberg (sadly, nothing will ever be as good as Deli Garden in Highland Park, NJ)

I hope you also had an exploding New year's! Sending best wishes for 2013,
XO Caetlynn