Monday, August 12, 2013

Venice Biennale 2013

Before returning from Europe, Tyson and I spent the first week of July in Venice visiting relatives and checking out this amazing and historical city on the sea and this year's la Biennale, curated by the adept Massimiliano Gioni.

The images in this post are a few representative photos from around town. A larger selection can be found at my Flickr account at the following links:

la Biennale, Arsenale:
la Biennale, Giardini:

It was a great trip and exhibition--I hope you enjoy seeing some of our favorite pieces and observations!

 View from the apartment on Guidecca that we got to stay in!

Waiting for the Vaporetto water bus & thinking about the infinite amongst the crowds of tourists


At San Marco Square

 Beautiful marble, stolen from Constantinople 1,000 years ago

Gondola parking lot

 Vertical skyline & a projection at the Azerbaijan pavilion

 Concrete projections at the Ukraine pavilion

Pollock's Alchemy, 1947 at the Peggy Guggenheim collection

Magritte's Empire of Light, 1953-54 and Picabia's Very Rare Picture on the Earth, 1915

 di Chirico's The Red Tower, 1913 and The Nostalgia of the Poet, 1914

Wolf grafitti


 Tyson and Chino

Mantis shrimp for dinner!

Toolin' around on John's boat

 The way DHL is done in Venice - different than Berlin!

 Visiting the colorful island of Burano

 Tyson and John


Delicious Fruit of the Sea over squid ink pasta

In the Lagoon near where we went swimming off the boat

 Secret world...

San Giorgio

 Views from the Campanile

Large cruise ships pass through daily--noticeably taller than any building in Venice

 Towers in back alleys and dramatic shadows

 Crossing over to Guidecca at night

At La Planca

Delicious Campari spritzes at La Planca after a long day getting lost (literally) in Venice


 Big Ankors

 Jessica Hutchins and Eugene Von Bruenchenhein

Japanese artist I forgot to get the wall text for

Fake naked lady

Room shot

 Channa Horwitz

Channa Horwitz detail

At the United Arab Emirates pavilion

 360 degrees of sea by Mohammed Kazem

At the Italian-Latin American Institute pavilion - spices and pigments

 At the Italian pavilion


Carl Jung's Red Book, with more images reproduced for viewing

 Emma Kunst

Hilma af Klint

Jack Whitten painting at the far end

 Augustine Lesage

Ellen Altfest

 Anna Zemankova

 Canadian pavilion

British pavilion

Ai Weiwei collateral event on Guidecca - straightened rebar sculpture from the Sichuan Earthquake

Until the next time,
XO Caetlynn