Saturday, February 28, 2015

Fall into Winter, 2014-15

This post includes images and stories from Fall & Winter in New York, including some new paintings and drawings, an update about my new studio, images seen at art shows around town, and other adventures. I hope you enjoy seeing/reading what I’ve been up to!

To see a more comprehensive set of images from the Fall & Winter, visit my Flickr albums at the following link:

In January, I wrote a review for the exhibition “Be Here Now” at 308@156 Project Art Space on 5th Avenue in Manhattan. I approached a few online publications, but unfortunately even though I had interest about possible future reviews from ArtReview, the timeframe and length didn’t match up with their schedule, so I’ve decided to post it here on my blog with accompanying images. 

Check it out here!: "Keeping Paying Attention at Be Here Now"

And now some of my recent paintings:
Dawn's Swamp Fire, 2014, Oil on panel, 18" x 24"

Light on the Swamp, Red Dawn, 2015, Oil on canvas, 9" x 12"

The following are four small painting studies from our road trip to Mississippi and back:

They may eventually accompany some of Tyson's photographs, but I'm still not sure yet what their final presentation will look like...

And then, here are some drawings made on location at the Smiling Hogshead Ranch in Long Island City, Queens. Unfortunately it's been too cold to hang out outside for very long, but I hope to resume weekly drawing visits in March. As an artist in residence at the SHHR, I will be drawing inspiration from the site through 2015:

12/15/14, Drawing 1, 2014, Archival marker on cotton paper, 9" x 12"

12/22/14, Drawing 2, 2014, Archival marker on cotton paper, 12" x 9" 

12/15/14, Drawing 2, 2014, Archival marker on cotton paper, 12" x 9" 

12/22/14, Drawing 1, 2014, Archival marker on cotton paper, 9" x 12"

In January, I moved into my new studio in Ridgewood at Reservoir Art Space. Eleven studios have been built out and there's a project space up in the front. Check it out on FB!

Tyson helping to finish my space, and the hallway before the mud and paint

Prepping some canvases with transparent gesso...

Shadows in the neighborhood

Tiffany's in November

Manhattan, getting ready for the Veteran's Day parade

On Tyson's birthday, we went to check out a great show of photographs, A Tender Light, by Will Brown at Laurence Miller Gallery:

Will Brown, South Street Store Front, 1973

Will Brown, New Tin II, 1973

Will Brown, Bainbridge and Orianna Sts. I, 1972 

Will Brown, Marie's Bar, 1973

And then a couple of shows in the neighborhood:

Michele Hemsoth's BREATHE at Sardine Gallery

James Prez at Life On Mars gallery

Farrell Brickhouse at Life On Mars gallery

Giving Thanks during Thanksgiving in Doylestown with our very hospitable relatives, the Sandbergs (Tyson and Weenie Sandberg featured here)

Ever alert for her arch nemeses, neighbor cat and hopping deer

On a walk in Carversville

And now back to NY:

Alice Momm's wall installation at a recent group show at Odetta Gallery

Susan Te Kahurangi King at Andrew Edlin Gallery

detail, Susan Te Kahurangi King at Andrew Edlin Gallery

Thomas Houseago's Moun Room at Hauser & Wirth

detail, Neo Rauch at David Zwirner

Neo Rauch at David Zwirner

Neo Rauch at David Zwirner

Neo Rauch at David Zwirner

R.H. Quaytman at Miguel Abreu Gallery

R.H. Quaytman at Miguel Abreu Gallery

Martin Puryear at Matthew Marks Gallery

Martin Puryear at Matthew Marks Gallery

Martin Puryear at Matthew Marks Gallery

Martin Puryear at Matthew Marks Gallery

Martin Puryear at Matthew Marks Gallery

Kara Walker at Sikkema Jenkins

Kara Walker at Sikkema Jenkins

Kara Walker at Sikkema Jenkins

Kara Walker at Sikkema Jenkins

Kara Walker at Sikkema Jenkins

Albert York at Matthew Marks Gallery

Albert York at Matthew Marks Gallery

Albert York at Matthew Marks Gallery

Albert York at Matthew Marks Gallery

Albert York at Matthew Marks Gallery

Albert York at Matthew Marks Gallery

Albert York at Matthew Marks Gallery

Gwen Fabricant at The Painting Center

Patrick Webb at The Painting Center

And for a little domesticity:

Our Christmas "tree"


Me with the beer can chicken before going in the oven

Icy! This about sums up the last 2 months

And on to more shows!

Ben Pritchard at Life On Mars gallery

Ben Pritchard at Life On Mars gallery

Ben Pritchard at Life On Mars gallery

Philip Taaffe at Luhring Augustine, Bushwick

Philip Taaffe at Luhring Augustine, Bushwick

Philip Taaffe at Luhring Augustine, Bushwick

Snow storm from the platform in our neighborhood (the predicted blizzard never materialized, but it dumped about a foot of snow)

Snow in Manahattan

White cloud camo

Outside like this...

Makes you want an inside like this even more....

Superbowl dinner!

Fred Valentine at Studio 10

Fred Valentine at Studio 10

Clinton King at Transmitter

Clinton King at Transmitter

Jenny Hankwitz at TSA, NY

Heidi Pollard at TSA, NY

Matthew F. Fisher, Black Water Don't Shine Like the Moon, at Sardine Gallery

Matthew F. Fisher, Black Water Don't Shine Like the Moon, at Sardine Gallery

Matthew F. Fisher, Black Water Don't Shine Like the Moon, at Sardine Gallery

Eric Amouyal at Lorimoto Gallery

Kathy Grayson at Lorimoto Gallery

Tamara Gonzales at Lorimoto Gallery

Helen Frankenthaler at Paul Kasmin Gallery

Hans Hoffmann at Paul Kasmin Gallery

Donald Judd (and my reflection) at Paul Kasmin Gallery

Robert Berlind at The Painting Center

detail, Robert Berlind at The Painting Center

Robert Berlind's studio ephemera

Levent Tuncer paintings and studio ephemera

Denise Green at Sundaram Tagore Gallery

Tal R at Cheim & Read

Tal R at Cheim & Read

Tal R at Cheim & Read

Tal R at Cheim & Read

Charles Philip Kuntz at Driscoll Babcock

Merlin James at Sikkema Jenkins

Merlin James at Sikkema Jenkins

Merlin James at Sikkema Jenkins

Merlin James at Sikkema Jenkins

Merlin James at Sikkema Jenkins

Merlin James at Sikkema Jenkins

Merlin James at Sikkema Jenkins

Harold Edgerton at Sikkema Jenkins

Harold Edgerton at Sikkema Jenkins

Harold Edgerton at Sikkema Jenkins

Harold Edgerton at Sikkema Jenkins

Mama Anderson at David Zwirner

Mama Anderson at David Zwirner

Diana Thater at David Zwirner

Diana Thater at David Zwirner

Diana Thater at David Zwirner

Whew!!! That's a lot to take in all at once! 

Until the next one,
XO Caetlynn

1 comment:

  1. Wow! So many fantastic images! Now that's the way to survive a winter like this one! I feel as though I was just there! Thank you for posting all that.
