Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Art-filled Summer 2015

This summer was a great one, although it's shocking to find that the Fall has arrived already.

In early June, I participated in Bushwick Open Studios, and the first few images are from this event. It was fun to meet some new people both from the neighborhood & elsewhere, and to raffle off a small painting on paper to a lucky winner. Our open studios at Reservoir was mentioned in a couple of online art sites including Bushwick Daily and Two Coats of Paint. Some of my work was also recently included in 25JAHRE, Ackerstrasse 18 in Berlin; Four Options, Wildlife aka 245 Varet in Bushwick; Reservoir Dogs, Reservoir Art Space in Ridgewood; and Family Ties, 500X Gallery, Dallas, TX.

This summer was also full of lots of other fun, including a visit to CA for our niece's 1st birthday, visiting with family & friends, and seeing some great art around the city at galleries in Bushwick/Ridgewood, Chelsea, and at the new Whitney Museum's inaugural exhibition.

As always, a larger selection of images can be found on my flickr album here:

To begin, here are a few images from my studio during Bushwick Open Studios:
Recent swamp paintings

Paintings of the swamp!

More swamp...!

These are four paintings from a series I'm doing that uses up the paint from palettes from other paintings, following the traditional "Barn-raising" quilt pattern. Once I have 16 to 20, I will install them all together as one big piece--a giant selvage quilt.

From Four Options at Wildlife aka 245 Varet, with the artists from left to right: Marley Freeman, Hernease Davis, Mairikke Dau, and myself!

 Some great fabric that I scored from my studio neighbor, Nupur, who has insider access to amazing Indian textiles ("soon" to be incorporated into a quilt or two)

Great installation at Era VI VII VI, a space just down the street from Reservoir

Foot prints & tip-toeing foot prints at Era

Body suit....

Volume 1, at Schema Projects

Joan Grubin at Schema Projects

Volume 1, at Schema Projects

Volume 1, at Schema Projects

Installation view

And then a studio visit with Alan Lupiani, artist and CoDirector, AICAD/New York Studio Residency Program

Alan Lupiani

And then on to the two-person show of Joe Nanashe & Michael Scoggins! DIRTY WORDS:
Michael Scoggins

Michael Scoggins

Joe Nanashe

Joe Nanashe

Joe Nanashe

Michael Scoggins

Michael Scoggins

GREAT discussion moderated by Will Simmons with Michael Scoggins & Joe Nanashe

On our visit to CA in July! The sky in Napa on the afternoon that we arrived

We stayed at Stephen and Sabine's amazing vacation rental apartment in Alta Heights!

Shocking to see the lower water level at New Melones reservoir in CA

It was about 105 degrees that day!

The difference between the water's surface and the green tree-line is extreme!

And soooooo happy to be in CA for Ainsley's first birthday!!!! So good to see my bro & Emily too!!!
And of course the rest of our families!!!

Ainsley and dad having fun times on the slide

I got to spend a lovely afternoon wandering around downtown Napa with my dear friend Amber Manfree. She gave me a guided tour of the Napa River restoration project

Lots of great features that have changed the face of the downtown area for the better (and a much better investment by the city/county than some of the other building development projects that have gone in recently)

Tyson and Nona in Santa Cruz

Tyson in his native environment (Santa Cruz mountains)

There he is up there by that rock and all those Redwood trees!

And now back to NYC and the to amazing exhibitions of the work of one of my favorite artists of all time, Roger Brown. These two simultaneous shows were put on by Maccarone gallery & DC Moore gallery--they didn't even coordinate, it just made that much sense. The first images are from the show at Maccarone with his Virtual Still Life shelf paintings, and then his Political Paintings at DC Moore:
Roger Brown, Virtual Still Life #6: Saki Cups and Four Big Sur Communion Chalices with Oral Roberts' Vision of a Two Mile High Jesus, 1995

Roger Brown, Virtual Still Life #11: Mugs and Mountains, 1995

Roger Brown, details from Virtual Still Life #23: Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, 1996

Roger Brown,Virtual Still Life #8: Vases with a View, 1995

Roger Brown, Virtual Still Life #20: A Painting for a Sofa: A Sofa for a Painting, 1995

Roger Brown, Virtual Still Life #13: Hills and Bowls at the Last Millennium, 1995

Maccarone installation

Roger Brown, left: Virtual Still Life #12: Modernistic Planter with Half A Desert Painting; right: Bonsai #5, Literati (Bunjing), 1997

Diane Simpson at Maccarone's second location around the block

The War We Won, 1991

Chicago Hit by the Bomb, 1985

Aha! Heterosexuals Fuck Too, 1991

Left: Peach Light, 1983; right: Illusion, 1985

Government Smokescreen, 1990

Can’t Never Could / The Courage To Face The Trials And Bring A Whole New Body of Possibilities Into The Field of Interpreted Experience For Other People To Experience – That Is the [Artist’s] Deed, Joseph Campbell. (I Paraphrased Artist's For Hero's) because Campbell Said Artists Are Our Heroes. Read Pages 40-41 of "The Power of Myth" With Bill Moyers, 1991

(did not note title)

Oral Roberts' Vision of a Two Mile High Jesus, 1984

Landscape with Dollar Sign, 1991

by Yvonne Jacquette! (who I have been assisting). One of her newer paintings.

Paul Wackers at Morgan Lehman

The following are several works from the What Nerve! exhibition at Matthew Marks featuring the work of so many artists who are familiar to me from working at the di Rosa collection in Napa, CA, including Jeremy Anderson, Robert Arneson, Joan Brown, Roy De Forest, Jim Falconer, Forcefield, Art Green, Robert Hudson, Mike Kelley, Cary Loren, Niagara, Gladys Nilsson, Jim Nutt, Ken Price, Suellen Rocca, Peter Saul, Jim Shaw, Peter Voulkos, and Karl Wirsum:

Jim Nutt

I didn't even know Joan Brown made sculptures!

Robert Hudson

Roy De Forest

And now a couple paintings by Aliza Morell at Nancy Margolis Gallery:

James Biederman at 308 at 156 Artspace

Ben La Rocco & Fran O'Neill at 308 at 156 Artspace

And now on to works from the Whitney's collection on view during the inaugural exhibition in the museum's new location in Chelsea, America is Hard to See:

Arthur Dove, 1931

Two amazing paintings by Georgia O'Keeffe

Joseph Stella, 1939 and Charles Demuth 1927

Ralston Crawford

View from the top!

Barnett Newman, 1951-52

Tyson and a Rothko from 1968

Joan Mitchell, 1956

Jacob Lawrence, War Series

Jacob Lawrence, War Series

Jacob Lawrence, War Series

Jacob Lawrence, War Series

Jacob Lawrence, War Series

Jacob Lawrence, War Series

Jacob Lawrence, War Series

Jacob Lawrence, War Series

Jacob Lawrence, War Series

Georgia O'Keeffe

Marsden Hartley, 1940

Tyson and The Rose by Jay DeFeo

Jay DeFeo's The Rose, 1958-1966, side view

Christine Ramberg, 1974 & H.C. Westerman, 1969

Thomas Downing, 1967

Robert Reed, 1972

Elizabeth Murray, 1978

View looking out on the Hudson

And I'll end this post with two pictures of our adorable little spitfire Inka:

Until the next one!
XO Caetlynn

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