Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Nov. '15 to Jan. '16!

This post covers November of 2015 through January of 2016--a very busy few months!

Besides working in the studio and going to some great art shows, Tyson's sister got married and had two ceremonies! (one in Santa Cruz, CA, and one in New Orleans, LA), and my brother and Emily got married at City Hall here in New York City! We were present at them all, with images from each below. There is also a sampling of art seen around New York and New Orleans.

As per usual, the full selection of images can be found here:

I begin with a few images from the studio for Reservoir's December open studios:

Swamp Shimmer paintings in the studio, with plans for a few more!

 Open Studios installation

Some of Tyson's photographs on view at Reservoir

The current quilt I am working on for Joe & Lisa's daughter Lova

Sculpture in the airport on our way to CA!

Tyson's cousin and aunt were amazing in securing a beautiful beach house for us all to stay in for the weekend celebrating the marriage of Tyson's sister Taryn to her husband Andy

Heading up the mountain to the reception!

 Neighbors John and Debby hosted at their beautiful home

Allyson and Travis lead "the shoe game" to get to know the bride and groom a little better....

And to see how well they know each other! It was truly a wonderful time, and we were so happy to be there for it.

And then, the very next weekend back in New York, my brother, Emily, Ainsley, and Emily's sisters Rebecca and Megan came to town! :

It was their first time to NYC, so we did all kinds of things like visit the World Trade center memorial, take a ferry to Staten Island, walk across the Brooklyn bridge, celebrate Emily's birthday, and oh yeah, they also got married at City Hall!!!!!!!!!!

Me with the flower girl :-)

Alan, Emily & Ainsley!!!

The awesome family right before getting hitched. So much fun and such a great visit with everyone!!!

After all the traveling in the beginning of the month, we then had to catch up with a Chelsea art day:

Tyson taking a breather at Mary Heilmann's show at 303 Gallery

 Mary Heilmann

Mary Heilmann

Mary Heilmann

Mary Heilmann

Peter Saul, from his show Six Classics at Mary Boone

Peter Saul--always knocks it out of the park (I have loved his work since working at the di Rosa collection in CA which has several of his pieces)

 Josephine Halvorson's interesting Rome series at Sikkema Jenkins (3 of the 9)

Morandi at David Zwirner--his landscapes are amazing!

Morandi--who else?



Morandi detail


Morandi detail

Miranda Lichtenstein at Elizabeth Dee

Filming some kind of movie on Broadway... walking to the train after work

Just thought I'd throw these in the mix as a little homage to my Grandpa--still kicking at 92 years old! These were taken when he worked at Hagstrom grocery and then at Safeway.

Happy Christmas moment at Gottscheer with the lovely Jamie Powell

Tyson's version of Nick Offerman's Yule log video

Catching Madison Square Park on a warm day when the terrific public art piece by Teresita Fernández was still up

I always enjoy the arrangement of buildings around Madison Square Park as I'm walking around on my lunch break

And then, off to New Orleans for the week between Christmas and New Year's!

Just happened to have a layover in DC, and just happened to be on the right side of the plane, and Tyson just happened to have his cell phone out to snap this little photo of the Pentagon

In New Orleans for the first time!

The hanging moss is everywhere!

A sweet little exchange of vows under a huge old oak in the park

Family in attendance!

My husband looking sharp in his tailored suit

Good times at the reception

Kathleen, Taryn & Allyson!

Brother of the bride with the bride

Very good-looking siblings

More family on the balcony!

The bride and groom leading the way on an exploration of some of Louisiana's natural beauty

Boardwalks through miles of swamp

Great owls hooting in the distance, and little alligators peeping through the water

...or lawn grass as the case may be

Night-time in the neighborhood where we stayed--oaks covered in moss and resurrection ferns

 Checking out a bit of the French quarter at night...

and then by day!

 The New Orleans Museum of Art had some impressive shows up while we were there:

Odili Odita wall piece

Ellery Kurtz, 1981-82

Alex Katz, 1963

 Wayne Thiebaud, 1966

Gladys Nilsson, 1971

Dorothea Tanning, 1946

Lee Krasner, 1959

Joan Mitchell, 1969

Richard Diebenkorn, 1958

Henry Koerner, 1949

Georgia O'Keeffe, 1937

Marsden Hartley, 1908

Allen Tucker, 1904

William Woodward, 1904


Pierre Joseph Landry, 1834

 Pierre Joseph Landry

Pierre Joseph Landry

"Karma," by Do-Ho Suh

"Too Late for Help," by Leandro Ehrlich

Mossy mess!

Left: "Acme #12," Saint Clair Semin; right: "The Bean," Anish Kapoor

I thought this was funny--right next to the ladies room at the New Orleans airport, there was a wall ad that began with "Expose Yourself"

Robert Berlind at Lennon Weinberg (very sadly, he passed away right before the opening)

Robert Berlind, detail

Katherine Bradford at Canada gallery

 Katherine Bradford at Canada gallery

And then finally in January, Snow!!! (Queens snow)

Manhattan snow

From “Language of the Birds: Occult and Art,” at NYU’s 80WSE Gallery. There were some great pieces in the show, but overall the quality was very uneven and the show was overhung...

Paul Laffoley "Astrological Ouroboros," 1965 

From “Language of the Birds: Occult and Art,” Delia Gonzalez, 2015

From “Language of the Birds: Occult and Art”
From “Language of the Birds: Occult and Art,” Kurt Seligmann, 1940's

From “Language of the Birds: Occult and Art," Alison Blickle, 2015

From “Language of the Birds: Occult and Art,” Scott Treleaven, 2015

From “Language of the Birds: Occult and Art,” Leonora Carrington, 1950

And then on to a few more Chelsea-based shows:

 Tauba Auerbach at Paula Cooper Gallery

Tauba Auerbach

Looking across the way from Paula Cooper Gallery

Exceptional exhibition at Matthew Marks! Ellsworth Kelly

Ken Price

Paul Sietsema

Ken Price

Vija Celmins

Vija Celmins

Vija Celmins

1960s & 70s Janet Fish paintings at DC Moore Gallery

detail, Janet Fish

Janet Fish

Janet Fish

Janet Fish

detail, Janet Fish

Janet Fish

detail, Janet Fish

detail shots from a later Janet Fish painting

I will sign off with this final image of the Napa State Hospital, a vintage postcard that is part of the current exhibition at Benrubi Gallery

Until next time,

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